The Charlotte Martin Foundation is a private, independent foundation dedicated to enriching the lives of youth and preserving and protecting wildlife and habitat.

 NEW: 2025 information sessions 

Please click here to register to join the board of the Charlotte Martin Foundation on Thursday, April 10, at 12pm PST, or Thursday, April 24, at 12pm PST for a virtual information session. You can meet board members (and help us learn more about you!), as well as learn about our two open grant cycles for 2025 and our funding priorities.

If you cannot attend, please feel free to watch the recording of a virtual information session we held in Spring 2023.

NEW: 2025 Foundation Board Priorities

Dear Nonprofit Colleagues and Friends,

Our goal for 2025 is to confront the destabilizing funding cuts under the current administration, given the funding priorities of the foundation as listed below.

We will increase grant making in 2025 and the total amount that we distribute. There will be two open grant cycles this year.

The Foundation’s next grant cycle will open on May 1, 2025, and close on June 1, 2025. Grant decisions will be announced by July 30. A second grant cycle will open on September 1, 2025 and close on October 1, 2025. Grant decisions will be announced by November 15.

The Foundation will continue to focus on our two current priorities:
1. Rural BIPOC youth
2. Organizations focused on climate change, biodiversity, and wildlife and habitat preservation.

The Foundation will continue to allow organizations to use awarded funds for general operating support.

Recognizing the critical role of BIPOC* organizations, the Charlotte Martin Foundation continues to make it a priority to partner with organizations doing progressive work specifically in the areas of youth education. culture, athletics and climate change, with a special emphasis on serving communities of color.

We see ourselves as stewards of the resources at the Charlotte Martin Foundation. We know we cannot do this work without acknowledging why communities of color are underserved and under-resourced in this country. This is by design. We live on Indigenous land that was stolen through national genocide. Our society experiences inequality to this day because of the labor that was stolen from Black people. We refuse to pretend that this is not the truth, and, indeed, how our country was built and created. We will never hesitate to acknowledge this history in the way we decide to do the work.

Thank you for your continued commitment to your missions and creating a society that works for all.

Charlotte Martin Board of Directors

*Black, Indigenous, People of Color


Our Programs

To advance our mission, the Charlotte Martin Foundation focuses grantmaking in two areas

Grant Guidelines

Learn what we are looking for in programs that we fund

Our Core Principles:

  • Relevance: We continually seek information regarding significant opportunities in our region and in our focus areas to ensure that we are responding to current needs and opportunities.
  • Community Engagement: We seek to foster community engagement in protecting wildlife and habitat and in engaging youth skills to build directly on community needs and strengths.
  • Focus on Place: Grounded in the Northwest, we fund in urban, rural and tribal communities in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington where people work to improve the places that they live.
  • Expand Opportunity: We give special consideration in our grant making to benefit and expand opportunities for underserved populations in our region.


In our funding of youth and wildlife,
we have further refined our focus in the following areas:

Increasing Opportunities for BIPOC:

Increasing racial equity and diversity for youth ages 6-18.

BIPOC led nonprofit organizations with diverse leadership and staff are the focus of our grant-making. Organizations based in rural communities are also a priority for our foundation.

Programs that create opportunities in areas of education, cultural expression and athletics. Including but not limited to:

  • Increase access to and the creation of diverse cultural experiences.
  • Improve school-based and out-of-school learning opportunities in areas such as science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) and other areas.
  • Increase early college awareness and access to post-secondary education.
  • Increase access to sports and diversify sports programs.

Promoting Biodiversity in a Changing Climate:

Conservation efforts that utilize the impacts of climate change when selecting areas for protection.

Engaging a community of citizens, scientists, and conservationists in educating the public about biodiversity and climate change.

Restoring important lands for biodiversity, focal species, and landscape connectivity. Including but not limited to:

  • Assessments to identify species and communities at risk, including strategies to work toward ecosystem resilience.
  • Identification of barriers to migration and mitigation measures to enhance landscape connectivity.
  • Adaptive restoration strategies based on predicted species range expansion and contraction.
  • Promoting the biodiversity of the marine and freshwater environments.

How it works

Here are the steps to take to apply

Know your timeline

Our Current Grant Deadlines: 
Spring 2025: Open May 1st; Close June 1st; Decisions by July 30th

Fall 2025: Open Sept 1; Close Oct 1; Decisions by Nov 15

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Once our grants have opened, applying is easy! You can save a draft of your application at any time. To return to your draft simply log back in and complete your submission at a later date.

Go to the Online application.